Frequently Asked Questions:

 Q. Moisture in my air lines is getting into my equipment and causing issues. What can I do to solve this?

 A. The short answer is to install an air dryer.  There are different types of air dryers and each has their own application.  In most applications, a refrigerated air dryer will be the optimal solution.  See our air dryer page (link to dryer page) for more information or contact Comtract at any time as we would love to solve this issue for you.


Q. Oil and other contaminants are causing issues with my equipment and product. What can I do to solve this?

 A. Air generated by compressed air systems can be contaminated with particulate.  An air dryer removes moisture by lowering the dew point but does not filter the air.  Using in line filtration is how you solve this issue.  The amount of filtration can vary depending on your applications sensitivity.  We carry a full range of filtration options and don’t hesitate to contact us to get pricing on a package that will solve your issue.


Q. What type of air compressor is right for me?

 A.There is no one right answer.  Rotary compressors are often more efficient, more quiet, and offer a full duty cycle but they are more expensive to purchase and maintain.  Reciprocating compressors are low cost and low maintenance but generally do not offer a full duty cycle.  It is always best to look at the specific requirements, budget, and application before deciding the best route to proceed - contact us at any time to get more information and a recommendation on what would be best for you.


Q. What size air compressor do I need?

A. It is advisable to look at the consumption of all your air consuming equipment to determine the volume required (usually measured in CFM) and at what pressure (usually measured in PSI).  The aggregate demand is calculated by the totals of the above to determine the demand.  It is always advisable to add some capacity in the form of a larger compressor to allow for future expansion or any unforeseeable demand that could creep up.  Comtract would be happy to assist you at any time to make a recommendation on what size air compressor is required.


Q. Is compressed air safe?

A. Please see our compressed air safety rules and do not hesitate to contact us if you wish to get a safety sticker for your compressed air room outlining the rules noted below.


Compressed air safety rules:

  • Only trained, authorized personnel should operate compressed air equipment
  • Units may start automatically, without warning - keep hands clear
  • Always isolate and lock out all sources of electricity, compressed air, and water before carrying out any maintenance or repairs
  • Do not hold compressed air nozzles against the skin
  • Always use approved nozzles
  • Ensure that no compressed air is trapped inside the equipment or lines prior to removing plugs or fittings
  • Do not wear jewelry, neckties, or loose clothing around the compressed air equipment
  • Compressed air can KILL 


Q. Can I get a government rebate on the purchase of new equipment?

A. Possibly.  If you existing system is inefficient, the government currently has a program (Save On Energy) that will allow you to get a rebate on equipment and services provided that reduce energy costs.  Comtract would be happy to provide you with a no charge basic audit (insert link to audits page) to determine if your system may qualify.  Inefficiencies may not only qualify you for a rebate but also can be costing you large in your electricity bills and are worthwhile to take care of, regardless of potential rebates.